Understanding Area of Plane Figures
Understanding Area of Plane Figures: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as, Planar Figures, Size of a Figure,Units to Measure Area of Planar Regions and Additive Property of Area etc.
Important Questions on Understanding Area of Plane Figures
There is a square park with sides , and there are diagonal paths that are wide. Find the area of the park without the paths.
A parallelogram with sides of equal length is called______________.
Area of an equilateral triangular region of side is?
What is the height of a solid cylinder of radius cm and total surface area is sq cm?
The total area of a circle and a square is equal to The diameter of the circle is. What is the sum of the circumference of the circle and the perimeter of the square?
Find the area of the given figure.
Find the area of the given combined figure.
Find the area of the given combined figure (in ).
Find the area of the given combined figure.
Find the area of the given combined figure (in ).
is an equilateral triangle of side . It is surrounded by a regular hexagon whose perimeter is same as the triangle. Find the side of the hexagon in centimetre.
Calculate the perimeter of the given figure in centimetre.
Find the perimeter of the given figure in centimetre.
Find the perimeter of the given figure in centimetre.
Find the perimeter of the given figure (in ) if all sides are equal and measure is .
Find the perimeter of the given figure (in ) if all sides are equal to and all angles are .
Find the perimeter of (a) , (b) rectangle in the given figure. Whose perimeter is greater?
Find the perimeter of the regular pentagon .
If a rectangular park having the length of and breadth of , what is its area and the distance athlete covers the rectangular park if he runs around it five times?
The area of a square field is hectors. Find the cost of fencing it with a wire at per metre in rupees.